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How to backtest WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution?

March 23, 2017

Backtesting is the process of testing a forex robot/trading strategy with historical data available in the MetaTrader 4 terminal, to see how it would have performed in the past. Theoretically, if a forex robot (called also expert advisor) worked well in the past, it will continue to do so in the future. Therefore back-tesing is very important and must be done correctly.

Although that WallStreet  Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution and the other robots WallStreet ASIA Evo and WallStreet Recovery PRO Evo are already optimized and you don't need to make any optimizations and imrpovements you may want to try some custom settings or to test the robot on unsupported pairs. Therefore you have to know how to backtest the robot correctly. Otherwise you may get unexpected results.

How to backtest WallStreet 2.0 Evolution

Please, do not forget to activate your demo, or real account, even if you only wish to backtest WallStreet 2.0 Evolution!

1. Update the history data

If you wish to backtest WallStreet 2.0 Evolution, first you should download history from the MetaTrader history center: click Tools -> History Center, or press the "F2" key of the keyboard. In the list, find the currency pair that you wish to backtest and double click to expand it. Click "1 Minute (M1)" and then click "Download". When the download process is finished, double click on "5 Minutes (M5)” and "15 Minutes (M15)" to convert the M1 data. Close the "History Center" window. Please check the below image:



2. Open the Strategy Tester

To open the "Strategy Tester" window click the "Strategy Tester" button of the MetaTrader menu, or press "Ctrl+R" on the keyboard. In the "Strategy Tester" window chose "WallStreet 2.0 Evolution ", chose one of the supported currency pairs (GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, NZDUSD and EURJPY), chose M15 timeframe, chose the method "Every tick ...", as shown below. Enter 20 for Spread. Click "Start" to start the backtest. Please check the below image:



The backtest by "Every tick" is the most precise, but it is very slow. If you wish to save time you can run the backtest on M1 timeframe by "Open price only ..." method and this will be correct too.

If you have any questions about backtesting process don't hesitate to comment below.


Comments (10)

Me February 18 2018, 8:31 PM

You include EURJPY in the list of 8 recommended currencies here but in your FAQ you list 7 currencies and do not include EURJPY.

"Another great benefit of WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution is that it was designed especially for the most liquid, narrowest spread currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, USDCAD, NZDUSD and AUDUSD."

Which info is more accurate?

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support February 19 2018, 8:30 AM

Hello "Me",

We are very sorry for this mismatch. WallStreet 2.0 Evolution also supports EURJPY currency pair. The information on FAQ page was not updated. We have fixed this and now on FAQ page the supported currency pairs include also EURJPY.

Maksim Lykov December 24 2018, 5:25 PM

Здравствуйте может кто помочь с настройкой данного робота?
2 дня пытаюсь с ним работать а он не открывает сделок, в то время как у моего знакомого каждый день по 10-15 сделок закрывается

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support December 24 2018, 6:45 PM

Maksim Lykov: Здравствуйте может кто помочь с настройкой данного робота?
2 дня пытаюсь с ним работать а он не открывает сделок, в то время как у моего знакомого каждый день по 10-15 сделок закрывается

Hello Maksim, Please go to member area Support page and create a support ticket. Explain what is the issue and one of our specialist will help you to use our forex robots successfully.

Chidiroglou May 27 2020, 3:58 AM

Guten Tag Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe Interesse an dem WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0.Evolution.
Allerdings habe ich ein paar fragen dazu.
1)Haben sie auch einen Deutschsprachigen Kundendienst
Bezüglich dem einrichten des Produktes auf dem MT4.
2)Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es in diesem Zeitrahmen der 60 Tage um das Geld zurück zu erhalten wenn man das Produkt vor nicht mehr möchte
3)Sind den auch diese Produkte
WallSteet Robot
Wallstreet Asia
WallSteet Recovery Pro
WallSteet Gold Trader in diesem Preis
4)Wie bekomme ich die Lizenz für diese Produkte

Danke für die rasche Antwort
Gruss Chidiroglou

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support May 27 2020, 8:23 AM

Chidiroglou: Guten Tag Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe Interesse an dem WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0.Evolution.
Allerdings habe ich ein paar fragen dazu.
1)Haben sie auch einen Deutschsprachigen Kundendienst
Bezüglich dem einrichten des Produktes auf dem MT4.
2)Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es in diesem Zeitrahmen der 60 Tage um das Geld zurück zu erhalten wenn man das Produkt vor nicht mehr möchte
3)Sind den auch diese Produkte
WallSteet Robot
Wallstreet Asia
WallSteet Recovery Pro
WallSteet Gold Trader in diesem Preis
4)Wie bekomme ich die Lizenz für diese Produkte

Danke für die rasche Antwort
Gruss Chidiroglou

1. We do not have German speaking support. The support is only in English.
2. The traders do not need to do optimizations of the robot settings because they are already optimized. You can use default settings.
3. Yes, you will get 4 robots in the price of 1. When you purchase Wallstreet 2.0 Evolution you will get 4 robots - WallStreet 2.0 Evolution and 3 BONUS robots WallStreet ASIA, WallStreet Recovery Pro, WallStreet GOLD Trader.
4. Once you pay, you will receive login details to the member area. There, you can download the robot and activate 1 REAL and unlimited DEMO accounts. 1 license means you can activate 1 REAL money account.

If you have other questions do not hesitate to contact the support team directly.

john June 12 2022, 1:03 AM

When trying to backtest with M15, why the initial authorisation stuck with message Updating.... But M1 works fine?

We should always put the EA on M15, correct?

WallStreet Forex Robot Support June 13 2022, 10:24 AM

john: When trying to backtest with M15, why the initial authorisation stuck with message Updating.... But M1 works fine?

We should always put the EA on M15, correct?

Please note that you can test it on M15 or M1, this is not an issue, however, if you cannot backtest this means you may have some wrong configuration in your MT4. You have to check your MT4. If you cannot find out the reason please kindly contact our support team and we will help you. This article will be useful for your Do not worry.

John June 14 2022, 1:51 AM

WallStreet Forex Robot Support: john: When trying to backtest with M15, why the initial authorisation stuck with message Updating.... But M1 works fine?

We should always put the EA on M15, correct?

Please note that you can test it on M15 or M1, this is not an issue, however, if you cannot backtest this means you may have some wrong configuration in your MT4. You have to check your MT4. If you cannot find out the reason please kindly contact our support team and we will help you. This article will be useful for your Do not worry.

Placing it on M1 or M15 will yield different results (for the indicators you used), correct?

The issue with "updating settings...", is that it works for both M1 or M15, but when I downloaded a fresh new historical data, it works for one but not the other. any idea here for now?

WallStreet Forex Robot Support June 14 2022, 9:11 AM

John: WallStreet Forex Robot Support: john: When trying to backtest with M15, why the initial authorisation stuck with message Updating.... But M1 works fine?

We should always put the EA on M15, correct?

Please note that you can test it on M15 or M1, this is not an issue, however, if you cannot backtest this means you may have some wrong configuration in your MT4. You have to check your MT4. If you cannot find out the reason please kindly contact our support team and we will help you. This article will be useful for your Do not worry.

Placing it on M1 or M15 will yield different results (for the indicators you used), correct?

The issue with "updating settings...", is that it works for both M1 or M15, but when I downloaded a fresh new historical data, it works for one but not the other. any idea here for now?

We recommend you to trade always with M15 timeframe. You can do backtest on M1 open price or M15 every tick.

Before test you must always update history data and restart MT4 terminal.

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