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How to recover losses with WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution!

February 02, 2017

Forex robots (called also expert advisors) trade according to predefined trading algorithms and complex mathematical calculations. They trade and make profit for the forex traders. But depending on the current market conditions each robot may have some bad periods and make some losing trades. This is absolutely normal and forex traders should not worry about this at all.  

Our forex robots WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution and WallStreet ASIA Evo have integrated recovery system. This is a parameter/setting called RecoveryMode. Here is what the user guide says for RecoveryMode:

"RecoveryMode true/false: when RecoveryMode is activated, an algorithm effectively compensates current drawdown through smooth increases of trading volumes. This mode is active only when AutoMM is greater than zero (AutoMM > 0). Before activating RecoveryMode, please bear in mind that it can significantly increase risk to your account. For this reason, RecoveryMode should be used at low values of the AutoMM parameter."

We will try to explain the RecoveryMode in details using examples. For example we have the following account:

- $1000 balance
- We trade with 2% risk (AutoMM=2)
- Result lots = 0.02 lot

Lets say we have one losing trade. The robot close it on 100 pips loss. This makes -$20 loss on our account. We would like to compensate this loss and we enable RecoveryMode by setting its value to TRUE (RecoveryMode=true). According to the definition for RecoveryMode in the user guide the robot should start increasing the risk for the next open trades. Yes but not mondatory. Most of the cases the robot continues to trade with the same lots even with lots lower than 0.02 (in our case). This happen because our balance has been decreased by the last loss. This is very normal and logical.  After a few trades on the same risk as before the robot starts to increase the lots with small steps. Usually the step is 0.01 lots. In our case the recovery lot size will be 0.03 lots. The mathematical formula is 0.02 lots + the step 0.01 = 0.03 lots. The robot may continue to trade with the same risk for the next a few trades. If for this period of time it has not been able to compensate the previous loss it will increase the risk again. Now the new lots size will be 0.04 lots. The same scenario will be repeated: a few trades on the same risk and higher risk for the next trades. This procedure may continue until the robot successfully compensate the previous losses.

What happen when we have second loss during recovery process?

If during recovery process the robot makes additional losses they will be compensated too. The robot  sum all losses and continue with the recovery untill they are compensated successfully. Remember the robot checks 50 trades back. Therefore make sure that you have checked "All History" in the Terminal -> Account History tab. Your all history must be visible. Otherwise the robot will not be able to find that there are previous losses and then the recovery process will not be started at all.

NOTE: RecoveryMode works only when the AutoMM is greater than 0 (zero). This means that MM must be enabled. This is required because the complex MM functions are used for increasing the lot size. 

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Comments (21)

James February 03 2017, 3:46 PM

Dear WallStreet Team,

I have a question concerning RecoveryMode. Could you explain to me whether it is possible to increase the recovery lots size?


WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support February 06 2017, 4:25 PM

James: Dear WallStreet Team,

I have a question concerning RecoveryMode. Could you explain to me whether it is possible to increase the recovery lots size?


Hello James, The recovery lot size is calculating from WallStreet 2.0 Evolution automatically. As we have explained in our post the robot increase the previous lot size with small amounts usually 0.01 lot. If you want manually to increase the recovery lot size then you must increase the value of the AutoMM. This is the only way. But we don't recommend you this because it could be risky.

Konstantin Kuzminykh February 10 2017, 4:03 PM

Your manual says: “If during recovery process the robot makes additional losses they will be compensated too. The robot sum all losses and continue with the recovery until they are compensated successfully.”
In this case I’ve got a question – what happens when the robot opens a whole series of consistently losing trades in the hope to compensate the loss of the previous bad trades? Thus the robot is running a risk to provoke a crucial amount of drawdown of my deposit and finally ruin it. What instruments in the algorithm of your robot are supposed to prevent such kind of catastrophe?

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support February 10 2017, 4:55 PM

Konstantin Kuzminykh: Hello!
Your manual says: “If during recovery process the robot makes additional losses they will be compensated too. The robot sum all losses and continue with the recovery until they are compensated successfully.”
In this case I’ve got a question – what happens when the robot opens a whole series of consistently losing trades in the hope to compensate the loss of the previous bad trades? Thus the robot is running a risk to provoke a crucial amount of drawdown of my deposit and finally ruin it. What instruments in the algorithm of your robot are supposed to prevent such kind of catastrophe?

Hello Konstantin, Thank your for the comment. We would like to assure you that our robots will not open "series of consistently losing trades" because when the RecoveryMode is enabled the robots continue to trade normally, they just increase the lot size. The difference in the lot size will compensate the previous losses. You should not worry about that at all. This has never happened before and will not happen in the future too. If you want to feel more secure then you can decrease the risk for AutoMM_Max. For example just set AutoMM_Max=5 and when the robots make recovery they will not increase the risk more than 5%.

rajaosman February 12 2017, 5:59 PM


How these robots behave on high volatility news/speeches. Do you have news filter functions. Do you have set files for recommended pair trading.

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support February 13 2017, 8:33 AM

Hello Rajaosman, WallStreet 2.0 Evolution and WallStreet Recovery PRO Evo are equipped with News Filter. When enabled the news filter stop trading for certain time before and after news/event time. There is no need from .set files. The default settings of our robots are the best settings. We also trade with the default settings. We also provide some alternative settings. For more information you can contact our support team.

Ljudmila February 15 2017, 2:51 PM

Thank you. During....

Ron Ostendorf April 24 2017, 4:34 PM


Thank you for an outstanding product!
I just need to clarify that my understanding of the Recovery Mode in EVO 2.0 is correct.
I have set both GBPUSD AND USDJPY to use the alternative setting of GBP52 with a MM risk of 5%.
The way that I read your alternative settings instructions is that while using the GBP52 settings I should turn OFF the Recovery mode.
Is that correct?

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support April 26 2017, 9:40 AM

Hi Ron,

In order to use GBP52 settings all you need to change in the settings are:


This means you do not need to activate the Recovery Mode and it is not activated by default. The risk is set by trader's desire.

Ron Ostendorf April 26 2017, 1:15 PM

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support: Hi Ron,

In order to use GBP52 settings all you need to change in the settings are:


This means you do not need to activate the Recovery Mode and it is not activated by default. The risk is set by trader's desire.

Thanks for your help!

Benjamin September 03 2017, 5:08 PM

Hi there!

Do you guys have any trial package for at least 14 days?

Thank you.

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support September 04 2017, 4:08 PM

Benjamin: Hi there!

Do you guys have any trial package for at least 14 days?

Thank you.

Unfortunately we don't provide a trial version of our forex robots. But we offer 60 days money back guarantee and you can test the robot and all bonus robots for whole 60 days. In case that you don't like the robot we will return your money as promised.

Hurley September 05 2017, 9:36 PM

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support: Benjamin: Hi there!

Do you guys have any trial package for at least 14 days?

Thank you.

Unfortunately we don't provide a trial version of our forex robots. But we offer 60 days money back guarantee and you can test the robot and all bonus robots for whole 60 days. In case that you don't like the robot we will return your money as promised.

If I buy your product, can you set it up for me to be running if I get you the details ??

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support September 08 2017, 11:17 AM

Dear Hurley,

Yes, we can. If you need our help please contact the support team and we will be happy to help you

ERICK BACELO September 11 2017, 4:13 PM

What is the difference between I enable recovery pro or use recovery mode in the standard robot. Enable only the recovery pro or the 2. I ask this because seo recovery pro recovers losses, why leave the two robots connected simultaneously? Are there any differences between the evolution wallstreet robot for wallstreet revovery pro? Thank you.

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support September 12 2017, 9:09 AM

Hello Erick,

If the recovery mode is activated the robot will increase the lots size with small steps until it compensates the previous losses, however, recovery pro opens recovery trades, that's the main difference between WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution and WallStreet Recovery Pro.

If you have other questions please contact the support team.

Franco Lazzuri December 25 2017, 1:18 AM

Can I use Evolution, Asia and Recovery EAs simultaneously in the same terminal with the same 4 most used pairs?

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support December 25 2017, 9:19 PM

Hello Franco,

Yes you can use WallStreet 2.0 Evolution, WallStreet ASIA and WallStreet Recovery Pro on same account simultaneously. We recommend you to contact our support team and give them additional information for your account such as your broker name, account balance and so on... They will give you detailed instructions how to use all the three EAs (expert advisors) on your account successfully.

pavas March 22 2018, 7:32 AM

WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution identifies and closes any deal in a 100% unbiased manner, never departing from its programmed trading logic: something of which even the most disciplined trader is incapable. WallStreet Forex Robot 2.0 Evolution is based on the probably best time-proven trading method: LOW-RISK scalping following short and medium-term trends.
This method has proven it worths ever since forex has been traded online. It generates millions of dollars of profit for the professional forex traders that use it.
By using this uniquely stable trading principle which has proven its profitability over the years you can generate profits at low risk and enables you to become one of the few to boast forex trading success.

Jim Byrd March 20 2021, 6:38 PM

My name is Jim B. I just purchased the WALL STREET 2.0 EVOLUTION on March 15 2021. I am trying to understand the EMERGENCY STOP DIST. How does this affect the operation? I also would like to understand the MAX ACCOUNT DD. How does it affect the operation? I read where the DRAWDOWN on a REAL account is 6.65%. How is this calculated?

WallStreet 2.0 Evolution Support March 22 2021, 8:42 AM

Jim Byrd: My name is Jim B. I just purchased the WALL STREET 2.0 EVOLUTION on March 15 2021. I am trying to understand the EMERGENCY STOP DIST. How does this affect the operation? I also would like to understand the MAX ACCOUNT DD. How does it affect the operation? I read where the DRAWDOWN on a REAL account is 6.65%. How is this calculated?

- EmergencyStopDist: this parameter ensures a second level of protection, when StealthMode is used. At values greater than zero it activates a second level of StopLoss
on a greater distance than the virtual hidden StopLoss is located. In such case the value of the new emergency StopLoss will be the sum of the EmergencyStopDist value plus the value of the hidden StopLoss.

- MaxAccountDD: the maximum allowed drawdown for the account in percent. The option activates at values greater than zero. This option is based on the current drawdown,
which is the difference between the current account balance and equity.

- A drawdown refers to how much an investment or trading account is down from the peak before it recovers back to the peak.
Drawdowns are typically quoted as a percentage, but dollar terms may also be used if applicable for a specific trader. Drawdowns are a measure of downside volatility.
Drawdownd is a term in the forex market which is calculated based on your investment and the current tradings.

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