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MT5 versions of WallStreet Forex robots have been updated!

January 19, 2022

We would like to inform you that we have updated the MetaTrader 5 versions of WallStreet Forex Robot and WallStreet ASIA. We have also developed MT5 versions for WallStreet GOLD Trader and WallStreet Recovery PRO.

Below you can find detailed information about the new MT5 versions of WallStreet Forex Robot and WallStreet ASIA:

1. WallStreet Forex Robot MT5

We've added some systems and features that were missing from this version, such as:

- Advanced News Filter
- Time Management System
- Notifications System
- UTS (system for prevention of uncontrolled trade)

We have also fixed a small bug related to the information box.

2. WallStreet ASIA

We've added some systems and features that were missing from this version, such as:

- Grid System (optional)
- Notifications System
- UTS (system for prevention of uncontrolled trade)

We have also fixed a small bug related to the information box.

For WallStreet Recovery PRO and WallStreet GOLD Trader we have developed totally new MT5 versions which are available for downloading in the member area.

You can use the automatic installers or you can download the archives for manual installation to install/update the new MT5 versions.

If you have any questions about the new MT5 versions don't hesitate to contact us or comment below.

Comments (2)

CARLOS CAPORAL January 20 2022, 6:09 AM

With this update, has the same features as MT4 ? Or some feature is new or different compared to MT4 version?

WallStreet Forex Robot Support January 20 2022, 8:24 AM

CARLOS CAPORAL: With this update, has the same features as MT4 ? Or some feature is new or different compared to MT4 version?

All the features that we have in MT4 are available in MT5 version. They have the same features and no differences. For more information do not hesitate to contact us or write in the blog.

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